National Cheng Kung University Hospital


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Words from the Superintendent Annual report About NCKUH Organization General Status Pre-registration Smart Hospital News Health education
* General Status
Medical Education and Training
Biomedical Research
Medical Service
Medical Service Quality
Characteristics of Hospital Management
International Medical Service
::: Home > General Status > Characteristics of Hospital Management
Characteristics of Hospital Management
Unit Dose Operation
The unit dose operation is computerized; the instant prescription and first-day dose are prepared well before the administration time so that patients can take medicine on time.
Computerized Operation
Since its establishment, the Hospital has been striving for overall computerization to upgrade medical quality by integrating various computer systems. So far, the Hospital has developed the following computer systems:

Computerized Operation

‧The computerized registration system ‧The medical record management system
‧The out-patient clinics computer system ‧The health IC card system
‧The pharmacy management system ‧The in-patient management system
‧The nursing and surgery system ‧The diet service system
‧The medical supplies inventory control system ‧The drug inventory control system
‧The property management system ‧The accounting system
‧The personnel management system ‧The out-patient/emergency billing system
‧The clinical information system ‧The telemedicine computer system
The computer link system between laboratories and clinical units
The medical picture archiving and telecommunications system
Medical Material Management System
The sub-warehouse and exchange cart systems are used; safe inventory quantities are preset and automatic material supply is augmented to effectively control inventory and reduce slow materials.
Cost Analysis
Since 1993, each department/division has set up the cost center system to do cost analysis to intensify the responsibility of management of each unit.
The Card Reading Attendance System
ID card readers are set up at all entrances of the Hospital to monitor the attendance of medical staff. Admittance to special units such as the operation rooms, the intensive care units, and the library is restricted.
Report Transmission
The logistic unit is responsible for sending patients and related logistic affairs. Monthly statistics are presented to coordinate timely work force.
The Logistic Unit
We have set security storage amount on general affair, hygiene, stationary, printing, reagent, O2 cylinders, cloth protection material such materials by computer and "Supply to Home Service" to improve material service quality and turnover rate, thereby saving inventory cost, labors and obsolete inventories
Material Supply To Home Service System

No.138,Sheng Li Road,Tainan, Taiwan 704, R.O.C.   Tel:886-6-2353535
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