National Cheng Kung University Hospital


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* About NCKUH
::: Home > About NCKUH > Prospects
*For the development of the Hospital the administration and the staff set the following ideals:
(I) Core Values appearance of hopspital
(II) Core Goals
The Hospital aims to be
1.the best medical care center for the general public.
2.the best teaching, research, and work environment for medical professionals.
(III) Vision
We plan to

*establish the Cheng Kung University Medical Network.
‧Collaboration with other hospitals should be outreached on the basis of teamwork to support and promote the interaction between medical profession and administrative systems.
‧A medical cooperation team should be formed and convened by the superintendent to assist allied hospitals with manpower shortage, as well as to enhance and develop professional skills of doctors and other talent.

*enhance clinical medical education and strengthen residents training by means of small-group instruction
‧standardizing the training procedure, curriculum, and assessment.
‧sponsor renowned guest lecturers from home and abroad.
‧encouraging residents' attendance of meetings and conference abroad and building of cooperative
‧relationships with world-renowned foreign medical centers to broaden doctors' horizon.
‧offering continuing education courses on small-group instruction for attending doctors.

*enhance clinical medical education and strengthen residents training by means of small-group instruction
‧standardizing the training procedure, curriculum, and assessment.
‧sponsor renowned guest lecturers from home and abroad.
‧encouraging residents' attendance of meetings and conference abroad and building of cooperative
‧relationships with world-renowned foreign medical centers to broaden doctors' horizon.
‧offering continuing education courses on small-group instruction for attending doctors.

*achieve a yearly 10% increase in research
‧setting up an English and statistics division in the Clinical Medical Research Department to assist processing research data.
‧encouraging young doctors to attend the doctoral program of Clinical Medicine Research Department.
‧advocating team research by encouraging experienced doctors to teach young doctors to do research as a team.
‧offering research grants to departments and divisions, which propose research plans of 2-3 years. The
‧numbers of SCI and non-SCI theses, the averages of impact factors of SC1 theses, as well as the
‧averages of individual researchers will be issued every year to enhance research quality and quantity.

*complete the first Expansion Project of the National Cheng Kung University Hospital.
‧The National Cheng Kung University Hospital Expansion Project was proposed on the foundation of the current resources, equipment, and facilities. It was proposed to better the quality of medical service. The project includes the construction of the Out-patient Center, the Cancer Center, the Clinical Medical Research Center, and the Research Center for Environmental Medicine and Occupational Diseases.

*achieve a yearly increase in medical service
promoting the quantity of medical services:
‧The administrative staff (president, vice presidents, and the first-line chairmen) supervise in person regularly at the emergency room or help solve first-line problems.
‧The rule is made that each attending doctor should conduct at least 2 clinics every week; extra payment will be given for additional clinics.
upgrading the quality of medical services:
‧The attending doctors should pay regular visits to in-patients to promote doctor-patient communication.
‧An assessment system be established.

*make the Hospital a world-renowned university medical center:
‧Based on the above goals and vision, the Hospital will recruit excellent doctors, promote medical education and research, upgrade the quality of medical service to move toward our ideal of a world-renowned university medical center.

No.138,Sheng Li Road,Tainan, Taiwan 704, R.O.C.   Tel:886-6-2353535
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